March 22, 2024

How we make sod installation in Windsor EASY


Homeowners – let’s face it. Transforming your yard into a green, picturesque oasis is easier with sod. As you’ll find out, it’s not so much a question of whether you should have sod in your yard, but what team you should go with to implement it.

Legacy Exteriors Inc. should be your first and only stop for sod installation in Windsor – if you want it done right.

Our experience in sod installation and high-quality equipment means we can find personalized solutions tailored to your specific needs. Our skilled team is fully insured and trained, letting us transform your landscape and create a usable, joyful outdoor space with no hiccups. It’s easy to say sod is important without explaining exactly what sod is. So, let’s step into the yard and start from the beginning…

What is sod, and when can I walk all over it?

‘Sod’ is another name for ‘turf’ – a section of grass grown and held together by roots and a very thin layer of soil. You’ll find sod in residential lawns, parks, sport fields, and golf courses in Windsor, which has an ideal climate for sod installation. Much like grass seeds, there are different types of grass sod. It’s important to choose a sod variety that can survive Windsor’s dry spells. We can help you with that.

There’s no need for seeds here: sod takes less time to take root. You just unroll the sod and avoid much of the initial growth hassle. It’s like the red carpet Oscar nominees walk on before finding out they didn’t win. The difference is, you’re more likely to win a stunning lawn with sod.

While it’s easy to install, your sod is more likely to establish itself beneath the soil if you avoid stepping on it for two weeks. No matter how small and light, pets should be kept off the lawn for two weeks as well. Urination can easily kill the sod. They may also dig holes – that’s our job, Fido.

Did you know…

The most common Sod in Windsor is Kentucky Bluegrass!

close p picture of kentucky bluegrass sod in windsor

What are some other advantages to choosing sod?

As we said before, sod installation is easy, and you’ll only need to wait two weeks to walk on it. That means the instant gratification of seeing a bright, beautiful lawn made with sod, and less waiting time before it’s rooted and ready for action, is unbeatable. You could say sod walks all over seeds.

That’s especially beneficial in Windsor, where the warm weather and ample sunshine helps a newly sodded lawn grow its roots and stay put. Sod also prevents soil erosion, the wearing down of the upper layer of soil, that can easily ruin the look of your lawn. In other words, it maintains the integrity of your yard and reduces the risk of runoff in the case of heavy rainfall.

Finally, sod acts as a natural air conditioner for your yard where other options may not. Its cooling effect will help your outdoor space survive Windsor’s hotter months and higher temperatures.

Before and After

Legacy Exteriors is your number 1 company for sod installation in Windsor

old lawn sod installation services legacy exteriors inc
new lawn sod installation landscaping windsor ontario

How is sod installed, and how can it be maintained?

Sod installation is straightforward, but can require patience – it’s clear why many prefer to leave the task to the professionals. The soil must first be prepared, which involves tilling and loosening the soil to ensure the sod roots can dig in deep. The benefit of having less dense soil to work with is it will hold moisture better. That’s less time spent watering your newly sodded lawn.

Of course, it’s key not to step on sod while laying down the next piece. The best laid plans say not to, of course, but why not? Standing on newly-laid sod means that sod piece will shift, leaving nasty holes and spaces between sections that you may not notice until it’s too late. Raise your hand if you want a line in your green lawn that’s missing several blades of grass! It wouldn’t be the first time art was destroyed…

Windsor can become scorching hot some summers, so It’s important you properly maintain your sod. Regular watering that’s in tune with the temperature, carefully mowing when the rooted grass gets long or too tall, and fertilizing will help keep the sod happy, healthy, and vibrant. Don’t forget to ask us about our in-house sprinkler installers, which adds convenience and consistency to watering your lawn.

Sod: The Final Frontier

If there’s one thing we want you to take away from this blog post – sod may be an instant solution, but that doesn’t mean it’s a Band-Aid. It’s a perfectly good idea for many homeowners’ needs, and boy, is it beautiful. It’s as permanent as other grass solutions, too, provided you sustain it with proper care.

Remember: a good base means good topsoil. Tilling and loosening the earth beneath your topsoil and not packing the topsoil too densely is essential to its survival. If you’re unsure how, or unable to put in the time or labour, it’s something you should leave to the professional sod installation company in Windsor. Don’t break your back over blades of grass!

Your property could have a gorgeous, properly sodded lawn. Legacy Exteriors Inc. is home to the skilled crew that can make it happen. Sod is one of our specialties, and one of our most popular services alongside excavation and yard improvement. Click the Contact Us button in our site navigation bar for more information; call us at +1 (519) 791-1506, or email us at We’re excited – it’ll be a new dawn for your lawn!

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